
Style Girlfriend: Help Me Find Cheap Replica Gucci Sunglasses?

Oh man. Reader mailbag time. Who’s excited? I am. I’ve also had three coffees this morning, and it’s only 11am! Yay iced coffees! Where were we? Oh right, reader mailbag.
This week, an SG devotee is looking for a nice pair of cheap replica Gucci sunglasses for his big manly face. Reader Clay writes:
“I am great with Gucci Sunglasses; I never drop them, scratch them, or lose them, so I usually spare no expense when buying a new pair. Also, I wear them constantly, so needless to say, I value a great pair of shades more than any other accessory (although I don’t like thinking about them as an accessory). I usually like what I might call “borderline flashy” replica Gucci sunglasses. Not like The Situation-flashy, because I am a young attorney and that’s usually frowned upon by the elders in my profession, but definitely shades that are kind of the centerpiece of what I have going on.
“I have read your column in the past where you have referred to how much you like a pair of wayfarers on a guy, so I know you are a big fan of those; however, I feel confident in saying, even without an expert opinion, that wayfarers DO NOT look good on me. I am a bigger than average guy (6′2, 225), so I have a little wider face and bigger cheeks than someone who should be wearing fake Gucci sunglasses, in my opinion. That being said, can you recommend a pair of sunglasses that you think look good on a guy?”
What? So, um, anyways…sunglasses! I totally agree that your shades act as so much more than an accessory - or maybe I just have a problem with the term “accessory.” For a guy putting some intention into his outfit (like I think everyone should!), every piece counts. From the bit players like shoes, belts and shades, to the starring role status of shirts and pants. And you can tell when a guy considers accessories as an afterthought, versus when they’re thought about as part of an entire outfit.
I think I just am more used to cheap Gucci sunglasses because there’s a preponderance of small-ish guys who are the perfect candidates for Wayfarers wandering my neighborhood at all times. Knowing you’re taller and more solidly built, though, let’s go for some sunglasses with a little more heft. I’ve picked out a few here, all available from Nordstrom, that I think you might like. Happy sunning!
Okay, hear me out. These are bold, yes, but I believe in you. TheseGucci sunglasses replica are not for wallflowers, but you, Clay - you are not a wallflower. A throwback to a Mad Men era, you can look totally modern in these shades so long as you’re not pairing them with a fedora and the morning paper tucked under your arm as you make your way into the city from the suburbs. Wearing them will make people describe you in terms like “snappy” and “classic” and “dashing.” If you’re looking for a little sizzle without going into The Situation-territory, these are a great option.
Also, the “elders” at your law firm will love them. They’ll probably invite you out to steak dinners and golf games and all the other stereotypical lawyerly leisure activities I see on television.

